• Sober Morning Rave

    I can officially cross “Go to a sober morning rave” off my bucket list!

    Laser Lights and Balloons
    Laser Lights and Balloons

    Last Friday, my friends and I went to Wake Up Call – an all-ages rave hosted by Walter Productions, before heading to work. It was so bizarre to drive across town just after dawn to go dance, but it was so much fun!

    We started just after 6:30 and we danced until 8:00 AM in a warehouse with a DJ, laser lights, balloons, confetti, and hula hoops. There was also coffee and snacks to help us wake up and keep us going. I really didn’t know what to expect, having never been to any type of rave before. After I walked in, I put a glow bracelet on one wrist and a flashing light-up ring on my other hand, let one of the hosts draw on my arm with some type of face paint marker, and I was ready to go.


    Ever since I heard that sober morning raves were a thing, I wanted to go to one. And I needed it this week. I have been working at my ass off on client work with lots of late nights and early mornings. Even though I was exhausted, I was so happy to get my groove on. I was mostly in my own little world for that 90 minutes, moving to the music, doing whatever felt like the right thing to do in the moment. For that 90 minutes, everything else got to slip away.

    I was pretty zoned out – except for when I was dancing on the giant VW bug. Then I had to make sure I didn’t fall off.

    What a great way to end a long week. I was tired going into the dance, and exhausted coming out, but it was worth it. Apparently, they are going to do this again next month if you want to go.

    My Friends Are Awesome
    My Friends Are Awesome

    Many thanks to Walter Productions, DJ Ascension, and everyone who came out and danced.

    Photo credits: Liesl Pimentel

  • I Want to Outsource my Life

    I want to outsource my life. Last year, my life was crazy busy because I was dealing with heart issues and traveling so much. This year, I’m crazy busy with client work, being an adjunct professor for ASU Law, and a few other projects. I have had to cut way back on my commitments – I just don’t have the bandwidth to take on anything else. Even on the weekend, I don’t have much down time. I spend my “days off” running errands, writing blog posts, working out, volunteering with Ignite Phoenix, and making a little time to see friends.

    I love everything that I get to work on, but I have no time or energy to spare.

    This is How I Feel Most Days -- Too Much To Do - Photo by Ben Ammon
    This is How I Feel Most Days — Too Much To Do – Photo by Ben Ammon

    If I could outsource sleeping, I would.
    If there was a way to go 24-48 hours without sleeping and still being able to function, I would, but I can’t.

    Since I can’t outsource sleeping, I want to be more efficient about how I use my waking hours. And I think that means I need to take some tasks off my plate, because when I have too much to do, I get flustered and distracted easily.

    I started to think about what I can outsource in my life. One of my friends buys a lot of everyday items on Amazon.  At first, I laughed at him, now I am starting to understand where he was coming from. The fewer stores I have to go to, and the fewer mundane errands that I have to run, the better. I went on to Amazon tonight and I started doing searches for products that I would be interested in having delivered to my doorstep – like dog food and moisturizer. The prices appear to be comparable or cheaper than local stores.

    I also went to the REI website and bought my next pair of insoles for my running shoes. It’s only a 20-minute trip to get them at the local store, but that’s at least 20 minutes I just got back into my life. And with free delivery, I’ve spent the same amount.

    It feels little weird to think that my shampoo and Rosie’s dog treats are going to come in the mail, but if doing this means I get to feel more calm, rested, and focused, I’m in.

    (Footnote: Shopping locally is important to me, and I do the majority of my shopping at my locally owned grocery store. Most of the things I’m considering buying online are things I’d get from big box stores.)

  • My Dog Stinks

    Rosie StickThis is my dog Rosie.

    We go for walks every day.

    She likes to rub her head on stuff.

    It makes her happy.

    I let her do it as long it’s not poop.

    There’s one plant Rosie loves to rub her head on.

    This plant smells so bad.

    It makes her head smells bad.

    Then we go back in the house.

    And she gets that smelly plant smell on her bedding and the carpet.

    But she’s happy, so I let her get away with it.

    My dog stinks.