Seven Layers of Academic Hell

A week before my 1L fall semester finals, I hit the wall studying and was inspired to write the seven layers of academic hell to describe the process of studying for exams.

Day 62 - Fire Demon
Image by Mourner via Flickr
  1. Procrastination: I don’t want to study.
  2. Frustration: Studying is hard. Grrrr.
  3. Caffeination: I can induce motivation through chemistry.
  4. Horror: I’m overwhelmed by all the studying I have to do.
  5. Panic: There’s no way I can learn/remember all this.
  6. Mental Disintegration: I’d care more if I could think clearly.
  7. Fuck It: I don’t care anymore.

Fuck It doesn’t mean that you’ve given up. Fuck It means you’ve given up the drama of freaking out before finals. It means that you know what you know, and it will be enough to pass the class. Fuck It is being ok with not setting the curve in every class. It is not letting your nerves or other people get to you. It means doing your best and letting the chips fall where they may.

Good luck on your finals everyone!!

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