Minimalism Project Update – Cleaning Out My Photos

I’ve been on a roll with my minimalism project lately. I cleaned out my CDs, got rid of most of my Star Trek collection, and most recently I scanned and threw out most of my photos. I got rid of a lot of my photos last year when I cleaned out my dresser, but I still had about half a drawer of photos.

During my down time for about a week, I sorted my photos, sent them through my scanner, and saved them to my hard drive. I kept the prints of the ones that were the most important to me and I threw out the rest. I have less than a shoebox of photos left.

I also threw out all my negatives. I kept all of them for years, taking comfort in the fact that I could reproduce an image if necessary. But really, what’s the likelihood that I’m going to want a photo that I only have a negative of and that I’ll remember that I have a negative of it? They all got tossed.

Scanning all my photos was a fun trip down memory lane. Here are some of the highlights.

I was an adorable baby. (1980)
I was an adorable baby. (1980)
Always an athletic kid (1987)
Always an athletic kid (1987)
USAIGC Regional Gymnastics Championships (1995)
USAIGC Regional Gymnastics Championships (1995)
The Psychotic Friends Network (2000)
The Psychotic Friends Network (1999)
Undergrad Graduation (2001)
Undergrad Graduation (2001)



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